Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Meet our MOW gardening team....

Hi my name is Gabrielle and I am growing cherry tomatoes. I started my seeds last week on Tuesday, February 7th and they are just starting to spout.  I hope they grow fast.

Hi my name is Micah I planted watermelon seeds.  Last week one sprouted and today on Monday February 13th all 6 pods are all growing well, in fact they are getting too big for the container.  We have taken the cover off and bought them into the light.   

Hi my name is Grace I am growing green beans.  We planted our seeds on Monday, February 6th and just after a few days they had already sprouted. Now only a week later they are too big to be in their home so we had to take them out. They just have to get some green leaves and then they will be ready.

Hi! I’m Aaliyah. I live in the Bahamas and my class and I are making a global bucket garden. I planted colorful peppers on Monday, February 6th, 2012 and a week later our plants have sprouted.

My name is Ryan and I’m growing jalapeno peppers.  We started our seeds last week and I’m just starting to see them push through the soil.  I am excited to watch them grow.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

How it all began......

After sailing to Man-O-War Cay and volunteering with the students at the local primary school, I was overwhelmed with the passion that these children had for learning and their wonderful teachers.  Even after sailing back to the States my heart remained with them. I e-mailed their principal asking if I could work with the students on a hydroponic garden once we returned to the Bahamas.  I was excited when I got her approval and quickly started gathering the resources necessary to put all the pieces in place. 

After much research we decided to go with the global buckets method to create our garden.  One of the factors was the small amount of water needed to grow the vegetables and it was also exciting to follow in the footsteps of other children that were looking for ways to feed the world. All their hard work has inspired others to do the same.  http://www.globalbuckets.org/

The 3rd grade class was filled with joy over the news that they had been selected to complete this project.  I will introduce them to you in our next post.  You will be hearing a lot from them as they track their progress in all stages of growing and eventually with all the meals that they create using their home grown ingredients!  

On a final note, I would like to thank the many people that have already donated the items that we needed to get us started! Your contribution not only aids in our garden, but may help change a life with new interest, skills and a passion to EAT more veggies!