Friday, March 9, 2012

Just add water....

Our gardening team was invited to two local homes to explore their very successful gardens and learn all about what grows best on our little island. We experienced that in addition to the bounty of vegetables they also grew beautiful flowers to encourage both bees & butterflies. It was very inspiring and our heartfelt thanks to these gardeners for this special tour.

Grace – Last week we drilled holes in our buckets and added our pvc pipe and cup. My plants now have green leaves and one is a foot tall BUT SOME HAVE BROKEN because people have touched them. The one that is a foot tall will be planted in my bucket. Mr. Tim has put soil in our buckets! We are almost ready to put our plants in!

RyanMy jalapeno pepper plants seemed sluggish with only a ½ centimeters tall the first week, but now they seem to be picking up speed and have several leaves. We have our growing buckets all ready for our plants.

Aaliyah~ On Tuesday, February 14, 2012 I went to look at all of our plants, but when I looked at mine I saw that it had sprouted. I was filled with joy! My plant is only sprouting, but I still love it. I thank Mrs. Gina for all she has helped us with it. Thanks Mrs. Gina!!!! This week it was big enough to transfer into a larger container so the roots could spread out and continue to grow taller.

Micah ~ Last week we drilled holes in our buckets and continued to watch our plants grow taller. I will be on vacation next week. Thankfully the team will look after my baby watermelons.

Gabrielle~ We moved our baby seeds into larger containers and also filled our garden buckets with soil. My plants are now 5 inches and growing. We hope to move our plants into the growing buckets next week!